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Forum » CSD, Party & Events » Thread

queerelectrofestival i.brandenburg,25.-27.8

23.08.2017 15:09

bin keine veranstalterin, weil ich das hier reinsetzte,also keine schleichwerbung.
wäre gern da , aber leiderr kein geld zur zeit... [...] 72871752

Datum und Uhrzeit
Fr., 25.08.2017, 15:00 Uhr –So., 27.08.2017, 19:00 Uhr MESZ

Bergheider See Bergheider Str. 4
03238 Elbe-Elster

41,75 € – 62,65 €

From the holes that brought you the Berlin scene, crawls the ultimate WHOLE - United Queer Festival – a common ground for all manners and methods of plugging our holes, a celebration of all that makes us whole.

Queens, kings, criminals, and queers:
There are no tears for the creatures of the night.
We come together to become undone, more than one,
as pure biology or the prophecy of history,
at once escaping and negating that which cannot contain us, which cannot prevent us.

Our events proliferate difference. Our spaces are sex-positive. Our parties are collaborative productions rooted in affinity and friendship, often showcasing local sounds and work made by people in the scene. We do not own nightclubs; we curate nightlife. Step into the WHOLE - with:

Liber Null Berlin
G day

Boris - Discodromo - Oliver Deutschmann - Aerea Negrot - Marc Miroir - Curses - Jamaica Suk - Ena Lind - Kaltèss - Princess Century - DE vs. Troit- unhuman - MXM - Luz - DJ - Hintergrundrauschen - Samuel Gieben - Mauro Feola - Laura de Vasconcelos - Sirio Gry J - Projekt Gestalten - Deepneue - Lipstick Trash - Joseph Diel - Mashyno - 2FARO - Nene H. - Cosma LAB - Aswad DJ


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