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Forum » Literatur, Kunst & Philosophie » Thread

neuromancer reloaded

09.10.2020 15:03

… so eager to throw off the
shackles of the past, looking
for a surefire way to
break the stalemate that she‘d got
into without noticing,
which was boring her to death
really, she knew she‘d better
wake up + be part of it,
part of whatever‘s going
on out there,… seriously -
(+ if that didn‘t convince
her to join in right away,
her unconscious, deep-seated
fears +, well, occasional
optimism would kind of
give her a momentary
burst of hope-endorphins, based
on feeling inadequate -)
but then she just did not get
what they‘re on about +
frankly she just could not see,
like, the connection, which should
represent a pretty strong
turn for her, she realized
she would have to reinvent
her entire manner of
reacting to stimuli
as a condition of just
getting into it at last ...



14.09.2023 00:43
editiert am 14.09.2023 00:47 melden kommentieren


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